Weed Control for All Weed Types
Envirogroup can handle all weed types of weed control throughout the Adelaide Hills and further abroad, whether they be soft or woody, small or large or hard to get to.
- Boom spraying of Broadleaf Pasture Weeds (Capeweed, Marshmallow, Sorel, Guildford Grass, Salvation Jane, Cape Tulip etc.)
- Woody Weeds (Gorse, Blackberry, Broom, Sweet Bria, Prickly Pear, Hawthorn and more)
- Wild Artichokes, Bathurst Burr, Thistles, Tobacco Bush, Coolatai Grass, Fennel
- Cut and Swab in Sensitive Areas
- Grass Control for Tree and Pasture Establishment
- Roadside Weed Control, along Creeks and within Dams
- Dry Weed Fire Prevention
- Grass and Vegetation around Buildings, Quarries and Industrial Sites
- Cape Tulip control in Vineyards using specialized equipment
- Olive Tree removal and control
Envirogroup provide weed control using all applications
- Large and small Acre Boom Spraying
- Field Spraying
- Handline Spot Spraying using long lines that reach up to 400m
- Cut and Swab or Drill and Fill
Professionally geared up
- Using professional wide reach boom spray equipment and large capacity tanks fitted to dedicated 4X4 vehicles, all computer operated from with the cabin
- Strip or narrow boom spray equipment fitted to 4X4 all terrain vehicles (ATV) with adjustable width boom spray setup allowing for any width requirements
- Double 200m Radio Controlled handline reels for hard to get to places or spot spraying in sensitive areas fitted to 4X4 vehicles
- Single 20m handline reels fitted to ATV’s for steep terrain locations
- 4W4 ATV’s Fitted with covered spray domes
With all of our clients, we discuss the approach, equipment used and herbicide options, with consideration to the targeted weeds, property use, any adjacent vegetation and waterways, and the land itself.
Typical South Australian Prescribed Weeds Requiring Treatment
Eventually takes over the land rendering it unusable

Can quickly get out of control

Can takes years to eradicate if it gets out of control

Common Flax and English Broom

Coolatai Grass
Very invasive and a fire hazard

African Feather Grass
Spreads very rapidly and also a fire hazard

Spreads via bulbs underground and seeds above ground

Arum Lily
Prescribed pest weed

Cape Tulip
Spreads very rapidly and only noticeable at a certain time of the year

Easy to control but prolific seed spreader

African Box Thorn
Spread by birds and animals

Pampas Grass
Extremely hardy plant

Olive Trees
One of our worst pest weeds in Australia

Another bulb pest weed – easily controlled

Water Dropwort
Spreads very rapidly and only visible at a certain time in the year

Tobacco Bush
Prolific seed spreader in isolated disturbed areas

Slender Thistle, Variegated Thistles, Start Thistles etc

Sharp Rush
Rush species are not always native to their areas

Prickly Pear
Prolific spreading weed

St John’s Wort
Poisonous to stock and competes with pastures

Ash Trees
Extremely invasive especially in creeks and watercourses

Usually spreads where groundworks and disturbance has occurred

Silverleaf Nightshade
An invasive summer weed producing small melon type fruit